transmitter-Set ROYAL evo 7 35 MHz S #45353
With the ROYALevo we have created a family of transmitters which covers a very broad range of applications in the model fl ying fi eld. Whether you are a beginner, an experienced club fl yer or a demanding competition pilot - you will undoubtedly fi nd one of the three ROYALevo variants to be … the right one!
What do the three “ROYALS” have in common?
• ... the technology
Synthesizer as standard, with optional scanner 16-bit micro-processor, FLASH technology
With the free ROYALevo DataManager software (which can be downloaded from the Internet) and a PC lead (USB or serial) you can conveniently keep your transmitter’s software up-to-date from your home PC. The DataManager program can also be used to back-up model settings (model memory data), and restore them again.
• … the design
Ergonomically effi cient is the watchword of the ROYALevo, which is housed in an attractive, modern case. All the controls are within easy reach - whether you use a transmitter tray or
prefer to use the transmitter hand-held.
• … the comprehensive features
The ROYALevo is fully expanded as standard. The only optional fi ttings are two switches for the ROYALevo 9 / 12, and a stick-top with buttons (supplied with the transmitter).
• … the MULTIPLEX operating philosophy
Clearly arranged menus in plain English make programming a simple matter. Five languages can be loaded into the transmitter in pairs using a PC. English as fi rst language, and German,
French, Spanish or Italian as second language. The six buttons providing direct access to the main menus and two 3-D digi-adjustors allow you to move straight to the menu
point you wish to access, where you can easily change the settings to suit your model.
What are the differences?
• … the number of servo channels
The number of servo channels you can control with your ROYALevo (7, 9 or 12) is indicated by the transmitter designation.
• … the number of model memories
ROYALevo 7 15 model memories
ROYALevo 9 20 model memories
ROYALevo 12 36 model memories
• … the programming philosophy
The ROYALevo 7 incorporates a great deal of preparatory work which we have done for you: the assignment of the switches and sliders is fi xed, as are the servo assignment and the mixer
defi nitions. You select the most suitable model template from the eight supplied, and choose from four servo confi gurations (Hitec, MPX, Futaba and JR). The process of programming boils
down to just adjusting percentage values, i.e. it is as simple as it could possibly be. Select the model template, adjust the travels and directions of servo rotation - and you’re ready to go and fly your model.
In contrast, the ROYALevo 9 and 12 are “freely programmable”: you can select the function of the sliders and switches to suit your preference. You also decide which functions in the model are controlled by which servo channel. The mixers for fi xed-wing models are freely defi nable, and even the standard, pre-defi ned mixers can be altered. With this degree of “freedom” you can easily set up the ROYALevo 9 and 12 transmitter to suit your exact requirements and the model you wish to control. These units also feature
ready-made templates (as with the evo 7), which are the key to the “fast track” method of preparing your model for the air.
• … for fi xed-wing models
From the beginner’s rudder / elevator model via power models and deltas right up to four-fl ap gliders with comprehensive mixer options - the ROYALevo 7 fi ts the bill everywhere.
The ROYALevo 9 or 12 is the right choice if you need more servo channels, free assignment facilities and free mixers. Even a model with six wing fl aps can easily be programmed just as
you want it.
• … for model helicopters
All current swashplate types can be controlled even with the basic ROYALevo 7, and the system is prepared as standard for tail rotor and gyro control systems. Four switchable fl ight
phases (e.g. circuit, hover, 3-D and auto-rotation) make it a straightforward matter to set up the system accurately to meet the requirements of the various fl ight situations.
The ROYALevo 9 and 12 offer even more options, such as the ability to compensate for swashplate levers of different lengths (as found on the 140° linkage). ROLL, PITCH-AXIS and YAW
can also be mixed in with THROTTLE in order to compensate for the increased power requirement when control commands are given.
1 ROYALevo 7 transmitter with 6/1800 mAh NiMH rechargeable battery
1 HFM-S Synthesizer RF module
Specification – ROYALevo
Transmission mode: FM / PPM, 10 kHz channel spacing
Servo signal format: MPX 1,6 +/- 0,55 ms
UNI 1,5 +/- 0,55 ms
Power supply: 6 cells NiMH, Mignon (AA)
Current drain: approx. 20 mA (excl. HF)
approx. 165 mA (with HFM-4)
approx. 190 mA (with HFM-S)
Weight: approx. 900 g (with Akku)
Dimensions (L x W x H): 220 x 200 x 60 mm
Additional Information
Manufacturer | Multiplex |